From instant to fresh ground, to soaking and rubbing, there are ample ways to incorporate coffee into your meals.
Coffee Knowledge
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Coffee seems like a simple beverage, something you wouldn't need a recipe for. How hard can it be to combine two ingredients—ground coffee and water—to create something delicious?
But it's because of coffee's simple ingredient list that nuance, technique, and preparation methods become vital factors in determining how your final brew tastes. Changing one seemingly small thing, like grind size or water temperature, can drastically affect how your coffee tastes.
To compare what you make at home with what the pros make with commercial equipment, a rotating selection of beans, and years of practice and skill would be like comparing apples to oranges—but that doesn't mean you can't get closer. Many of the most impactful tips and tricks are also the easiest to implement: here are five ways to up your morning game and make your coffee taste fantastic at home.
There are many factors that play into coffee freshness. But one of the most important elements of having great tasting coffee both at home and at the café is how you store it. We’ll break down different ways you can store your coffee, as well as vessels to preserve it in, and what you can do when your coffee has passed its peak freshness.
Coffee scores carry the potential to give farmers vital information about the health of their plants and how to sell their coffee. But the impact of coffee scores on local economies and the environment can vary depending on access, education, and communication of scores throughout the coffee supply and consumption chain.
- The coffee community presumes to be a champion of sustainability. Then why aren’t we using every part of the coffee cherry?
- Can freezing your green coffee, roasted coffee and grinder really lead to tastier, more consistent coffee?
- From the right material, shape and size, there are a few important factors in filters that will have a big impact on the taste of your coffee.
- Learn how to create a coffee cocktail from scratch and how to make three delicious coffee cocktail recipes from these talented barista-mixologists.
- Want to improve your coffee workflow skills? We learned from two barista champions about the three fundamentals of good workflow for any coffee situation.