If you are looking to purchase this item in bulk quantities directly from Urnex, please fill out the below form, and we will contact you and provide you with all necessary information.
Step 1: Place one Pakz packet in brew basket with server to be cleaned in brew position below.
Step 2: Each packet can be used to create up to 1.5 gallons (6 L) of cleaning solution.
Step 3: Run full brew cycle into server and hold solution to soak.
Step 4: Discard solution from server and return to brew position.
Step 5: When ready to rinse, remove brew basket and dispose of empty packet.
Step 6: Repeat steps 1 and 2 above without Pakz packet at least one time to rinse.
Step 7: Rinse any other parts or pieces before returning to use.
TIP: Solution can also be used to clean additional servers and to wipe spray heads.